Young communists gathered in Leningrad

Young communists gathered in Leningrad

On November 7-10, at the invitation of the Leninist Komsomol (LKSM-RF), the youth organization of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 11 communist youth organizations gathered in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad). 

The League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) was also represented at the visit.

Contribution of the League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia

Dear comrades,

The League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia pridefully celebrate founding of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth International. it’s founding marked a turning point in the development of the workers and youths movement. This event meant the final victory of Leninism over opportunism, which gave the workers of the whole world the conditions to unite in the battle against exploatation of man by man.

In it’s development, capitalism reached a state which history was yet to witness. It was the first to break through the borders of singular nations, and in that unite world production into a single, unbreakable, global network. The international aspect of capitalism, however, in no way means global peace, and even less means cooperation between nations. On the contrary, it is one of the primary reasons of imperialist wars, colonian explatation and annexions, before all due to the bourgeoisie’s relentless desire for profits via stealing and forcefully expanding the market. The bourgeoisie, however, was always in unity when it came to it’s bitter battle against the proletariat which it exploits. In that battle, borders are erased within seconds, and the greatest of enemies, feeling their survival threatened, suddenly get into an alliance against their own peoples.

Taking into account this state, it becomes clear that cooperation and solidarity between the workers and youths of different countries is a necessary requirement for taking down capitalism. Pettiness and nationalism isolate worker’s movements of singular countries, making them an easy target for their class enemies. Capitalism can be defeated only with solidarity between the worker’s movements, sharing of experiences, coordinated actions and mutual aid between the proleteriat of different countries. The International worker’s movement tears down boundaries put up by the enemies of the proleteriat, it is exactly the one that forges the unbreakable bonds between nations and peoples, based on, not theft and war, but on working together and building a better world. The creation of that International organization is one of the most crucial tasks of every communist on the planet.

In the beggining of the 20th century, Lenin beat all enemies of Marxism on the ideological plan, once again solidifying it’s position in the heart of the worker’s movement. The existence of the Second International was interrupted by the First World War. During the war most of the socialdemocratic parties, following the opportunistic whims of their leaders, throw away internationalism by supporting the Imperialist war and their respective capitalist governments. Lenin continued to defend internationalism, it was clear that the Second Internationalism was also a thing of the past. The Serbian socialdemocratic party, with Dimitrije Tucović as it’s leader, was also a member of the Second International. It represented one of the most fierce parties of the time, and one of the few to oppose the Imperialistic war. In the years following the October Revolution and the end of the Imperialistic war the dissatisfaction of the workers, and with that their will to fight, grew at a tremendous speed. The victory of the Bolsheviks in Russia meant a call for the toppling of capitalism in Europe. It was necessary, now more than ever, to unite the worker’s movement and assure the victory of the ideas of Marx and Lenin.

In this spirit, Communist Youth International was founded. Protecting the workers and youths of the whole world, the Communist Youth International a strong opposition to the growth fascism. It is to be credited for the mobilization of volunteers that were sent to protect the Republic during the Spanish civil war. It was a battlefield for all the enemies of Leninism, primarily the Trotskyists and others reformists.

In the modern times, the workers and youths movement is faced with great obstacles. After the temporary fall of socialism in Europe, a great number of communist parties either disappeared, or turned to revisionism. With the appearance of the internet, globalization is reaching it’s peak. The enemies from the bourgeoisie class are using the technological advancements not only for exploitation on an unheard of level, but also for the spreading of lies and propaganda on the global level. The bourgeoisie media, which today reach all parts of the planet, take special care to demonize every form of the communist idea, attacking not only all of the Socialist nations from the past and the present, but also all the priinciples that the communists stand for. International solidarity today is more important than ever. No party, not even the biggest one, is able to stand up alone to the gigantic capitalist-imperialist machinery that is slowly destroying humanity as a whole. The borders which are drawn today for the interest of imperialism, can and must be brought down by the united progressive power of peoples of all nationalities.

Only united we can stop wars, neocolonial exploitation, the destruction of the enviorment, crimes against the refugees, and crimes againt peoples of different race, religion, or nationality. We are the only ones able to mend relationships between peoples torn apart by nationalism. The League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia invite communists from all over the world to come together for the united struggle for a better, more just, socialist future! It’s our duty to bring to life the oldest slogan of socialism, the one that beats in the hearts of every worker on the planet. It’s noble words shall ring throughout the centuries.

Workers of the world, unite!


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