
Приказују се постови за новембар, 2019

Down with the Coup in Bolivia! All Support and Solidarity to the Bolivian People!

Statement of the NKPJ: Down with the Coup in Bolivia! All Support and Solidarity to the Bolivian People! The New Communist Party of Yugoslavia emphatically condemns the coup against Bolivian President Evo Morales.  The right-wing opposition refuses to recognize their defeat at the polls and resorts to violence against the constitutional order. We strongly denounce this coup attempt. We call all people around the world to give their fullest and most resolute solidarity to the Bolivian workers, peasants and communists in this hour of crisis. Down with the coup in Bolivia! All support and solidarity to the Bolivian people! Belgrade, November 11, 2019

Events in Bolivia follow script of ‘color revolution’ – the antithesis of democracy

Events in Bolivia follow script of ‘color revolution’ – the antithesis of democracy From the claim of a ‘stolen’ election to the opposition burning ballots and the forced resignation of President Evo Morales, the events in Bolivia have followed the script of the  overthrow of Slobodan Milošević  occurred on 5 October 2000 It has now been established, and it surfaced literally just hours after the coup, that Srdja Popovic’s infamous CANVAS/Otpor outfit on the operational level was thoroughly embedded in coup preparations. Srdja Popovic is CIA’s instrument who has already tested recipe to bring down governments legitimately elected by the people and bring servants to the West. The former leader of the “Otpor” organization that “democratically” overthrew many governments around the world is also behind the Bolivian coup. From its inception, however, Otpor was funded by the International Republican Institute (IRI), which employs a number of former American military, dip


SMALL IN NUMBER, GREAT IN SACRIFICE: The War in Spain and the Yugoslavs "Not neutrality, but the fullest possible aid is due to the legal Spanish government from all member  states of the League of Nations. It is a question of the fascist intention to destroy all nations. It is a question of the most terrible danger of war. It is not possible to avoid it by neutrality, which means a blockade of  the legal Spanish government, but by the speedy and full military, technical and material aid and support of the world democracy, of all  who want peace, for the Spanish people." "Proleter", official newspaper of CP of Yugoslavia "Spain was one of the brightest moments of this century. It was something special, not only in the lives of the generation of Yugoslav students studying, but for all progressive people in the world."   The Spanish veteran Ivo Vejovoda Introduction The Yugoslav volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, know

NKPJ: Solidarity with the progressive forces of Bolivia!

NKPJ: Solidarity with the progressive forces of Bolivia! On November 23, in the very heart of Belgrade gathering organized by NKPJ and SKOJ against Otpor-Kanvas and its disastrous production of colour revolutions around the world, like the latest in Bolivia. In support of Evo Morales, legitimate president of Bolivia, and his unfortunate people who suffer in the hands of unscrupulous fascists. Also supporting Assange, and the heads of leading anti-imperialist countries of the world: China, Cuba, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, Bolivia...    


NEW ISSUE OF THE "NOVI KOMUNIST" In Belgrade on November 7, NKPJ public new issue of  the "Novi komunist" the official newspaper of the NKPJ.

Young communists gathered in Leningrad

Young communists gathered in Leningrad On November 7-10, at the invitation of the Leninist Komsomol (LKSM-RF), the youth organization of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 11 communist youth organizations gathered in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad).  The League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) was also represented at the visit. Contribution of the League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia Dear comrades, The League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia pridefully celebrate founding of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth International. it’s founding marked a turning point in the development of the workers and youths movement. This event meant the final victory of Leninism over opportunism, which gave the workers of the whole world the conditions to unite in the battle against exploatation of man by man. In it’s development, capitalism reached a state which history was yet to witness. It was the first to break thr